Minggu, 30 Desember 2018

How To Conceive A Boy Using Opk

/ how to get pregnant / boost your chances / understanding your cycles / pregnancy tests / infertility and troubles conceiving / trying to conceive after loss / fertility drugs and natural supplements / fertility how to conceive a baby boy using ovulation kit . what's your reaction?. We're ttc a boy too and gone with using opks and bding on the day of the positive and the day after only. we're hopeful but i assume it's still really a 50% chance. but i'm keen to conceive so. I have read that if using opk's that after the first positive test for lh , ovulation occurs after 12 to 24 hours? so i understood for me to try and conceive a baby boy on the day i ovulate we should dtd 12 hours after the first positive ovulation test?.

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Opk and timing for boy help!! my husband and i are trying to conceive a boy after 3 girls and one angel baby we are doing the boy diets and ovulation kits. however i have gotten a positive 2 days ago on ovulation kit, so we dtd.. I used opks paired with checking cm to help us with our timing, but not to try to conceive specifically a boy or girl. we are having a boy, btw, but i doubt the opks had anything to do with that. ttc since aug 2011.. Sounds obvious, but when you are trying to conceive, you want to make absolutely sure. ovulation predictor kits are now widely available at drug and grocery stores everywhere, or you can do a quick web search for a ton of tips on how to tell when you are ovulating..

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